We are carbon neutral. And so, we make it happen.

In the face of the climate crisis, we at Cabify decided to take action. Transport is one of the main industries that impacts global warming, which is why we are the first app in Europe and Latin America to offset 100% of our emissions through local initiatives in the countries in which we operate.

Caring for what matters most

A planet that moves us

We want this journey to be one that leaves a mark, but not a carbon footprint.

That’s why we carry out initiatives that seek to minimise our impact on the environment, hand in hand with the largest sustainability team imaginable. Because all of us at Cabify share the same goal: to continue growing while caring for the environment around us.

The offset projects would not be possible without the guidance of the Sustainability team and the support of the other local teams, including the Champions, an individual that helps us to better understand the context of the place to look for initiatives with real impact wherever we are.

With everyone’s help, in 2018 we became the first and only 100% carbon neutral app in Europe and Latin America, but now we are looking much further ahead. We are aware that the future requires us to look beyond offsetting emissions, so we already have reduction projects in place that will take us much further.

This is only the beginning of a story that has only just started.

Global vision, local action

Learn about other compensation projects


Genneia Wind Farm

The project has a total installed capacity of 247.38 MW and is connected to the Argentine Interconnection System, offsetting part of the electricity generated by grid-connected power plants. Genneia Wind Farm In this way, it will contribute to sustainability by increasing the share of renewable energy and reducing GHG emissions.


  • 1,094 GWh of renewable electricity generated per year.
  • 71 wind turbines.


Cabo Leones Wind Farm

The Cabo Leones Wind Farm aims to generate renewable electrical energy using wind technology in Chile. The project has a total installed capacity of 175.5 MW. The electricity generated by the project supplies the National Electric System (SEN).

The project’s activity increases the share of renewable energy sources in Chilean grids, promoting the growth of renewable capacity and diversifying the Chilean generation mix, significantly contributing to the region’s sustainable development. Cabo Leones Wind Farm This represents a crucial solution, as the electricity generation mix of the SIC (Central Interconnected System) was primarily weighted toward fossil fuels.


  • 404 GWh of renewable electricity generated per year.


Planet Grateful with the Bajo Río Guainía and Río Negro Indigenous Reserve

The REDD+ “Planet Grateful” Project in the Bajo Río Guainía and Río Negro Indigenous Reserve has been underway since 2018, with a central purpose: to combat greenhouse gas emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation while generating benefits for the community.

In total harmony with our belief that this region is a vital lung for our planet, the project involves 29 communities, made up of 382 families committed to preserving this land located between the Aquió, Tomo, and Negro river basins. Planet Grateful with the Bajo Río Guainía and Río Negro Indigenous Reserve Designed with a forty-year perspective, this project has enabled the reserve to access decent employment and experience sustainable economic growth, fostering overall well-being.

The participating communities enjoy various benefits, including economic incentives for a dignified life, employment opportunities within the project, access to seed capital for launching productive projects, and the opportunity to take advantage of 15 specialized programs in areas such as education, child care, and technology, with the firm purpose of improving their quality of life.


  • 382 families from the community involved.
  • 465,250 Ha protected.


Galicia Forest I

This reforestation project in Concello de Avion (Ourense) aims to achieve the ecological restoration of the area by helping to mitigate the effects of climate change through carbon capture and storage.

The new forest will play a fundamental role in soil protection, reducing the risk of water erosion, improving soil infiltration conditions, and increasing soil nutrients. Additionally, with the establishment of this forest, the area will be colonized by a great variety of native flora and fauna species. Galicia Forest I The mix of species used in reforestation will help break the horizontal canopy continuity typical of plantations, which is often responsible for the spread of wildfires.


  • 99 Ha reforested


Evio Kuiñaji Ese Eja Cuana

The project is located in Madre de Dios, known as the Biodiversity Capital of Peru. The project’s activities help the local community combat the accelerated forest degradation caused by rapid land-use change due to the construction of the Interoceanic Highway South, which has increased migration to the region.

The project aims to protect this area, which hosts exceptional biodiversity, while promoting sustainable economic activities for families living in the forests through the establishment of conservation agreements for the project areas, among other activities. Evio Kuiñaji Ese Eja Cuana The native communities are the proponents of this project, and their main goal is to help prevent the expansion of agriculture caused by the rapid population growth and migration by establishing coordination and permanent alliances with institutions carrying out conservation activities.

The project offers protection in a biodiversity hotspot in Peru and is home to many endangered species, such as the black caiman, the harpy eagle, and the giant otter.


  • 1,800 Ha protected
  • 34 families positively impacted


Guanaré Forest Plantations

The project will cover a total of 21,298 hectares of land that was previously used for extensive cattle grazing, where forest plantations will be established to produce high-value, long-lived wood products and sequester large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Guanaré Forest Plantations The incorporation of technology and the development of new international production chains open doors to reforestation and a new level of well-being for the local community.


  • 21,298 Ha protected

Looking Beyond

Discover how we offset our emissions with local projects in other countries where we operate.

Partnerships that take us further

Looking further ahead

Sustainability is not just about the environment, we do much more than that.

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